How to Write a Case Study and Make It Perfect

  • Jun 22, 2018

You are finally in your dream college, studying to master the profession you like. You are excited about the opportunities next few years can bring you. But, do you realize how many assignments you'll have to take on? It may be easy at first. You might even think that you're getting the hang of it. But at some point, it will inevitably get to you. Hence, you need to learn how to manage your time and abilities early on. Master your custom papers writing skills in a way that will save you lots of time in the future. And this article can help you exactly with that. This time, we're going to tell you how to write a case study paper. It is of paramount importance to students majoring in business. A case study is a very complex and quite tricky assignment. You need to become proficient at doing it at early stages of your college education. Let us begin our guide on how to write a case study from the basics.


In order to become closer to being an expert in writing this kind of assignment, you need to make sure that you get the case study definition correctly. You wouldn't want to waste your time on something, and then realize it's not even what you need! So, what is a case study? Simply put, it is an analysis of a particular issue from the world of business. You investigate a problem, break it down into details, search for alternative and efficient solutions, and put forth the one that, in your opinion, is the most optimal. A case study is supposed to include background data on the topic you're analyzing and your recommendation. Although case studies are generally conducted in relation to the business world, it is also possible to investigate the whole industry instead of just one company, or even a single person.

How To Do a Case Study: the Format and Structure

With the definition all done and dealt with, we can now move to the juicy parts. The most haunting question of every struggling student's mind is "how to do a case study?" You can't simply find all the information you need in a few minutes. You've got to work for it. Find the research material, carefully read through it, take a lot of notes and lay it all down before you. In order to become proficient in case study analysis, you need to learn to process information as quickly and effectively as possible. Don't be squeamish about using post-it notes and highlighters.Surround yourself with research material and "bathe" in it. But, if you don't have the time for that, you can order your case study from us at any time.


There is a specific case study format that you're supposed to build your paper in. It's not a simple research essay, so be careful as to structure it properly. Here is a little outline to help you learn how to write a case study analysis in a proper format.

  1. Problem
    What is the problem you're analyzing? Is there an issue that can be viewed as an opportunity?
  2. Solution
    How can the problem be solved? What are the ways that can turn the opportunity into a benefit?
  3. Approach
    How would you start working on solving the stated issue? What options can be used and what options aren't available? Why?
  4. Risk Evaluation
    What can go wrong? Do you have the ways of dealing with force majeure if one occurs? Is doing nothing about the issue an option?
  5. Benefits
    Make an analysis of value that you might get in case you chose to go along with your option.

Make absolutely sure that all the parts above are present in your case study paper. It is important to cover everything and show your professor that you are an experienced writer and know what you're writing about.

Case Study Structure

Knowing how to prepare and format your paper is good and all. But, another vital part of the whole writing process is your case study structure. You see, while a case study has the basic introduction-main body-conclusion plan, there are some specific details you should know. Once you have collected all the necessary raw data, you can start drafting your paper. And for this, of course, you need to know how to structure a case study.


An introduction to a case study traditionally consists of two parts. First, you tell about the company, business, person or industry you're basing your work on. In the same section, you state the issues and problems you've analyzed. Second, you summarize the results of your analysis in a case study thesis. Alright, the first part is obviously simple. It's the informative part. But, the case study thesis statement is a crucial point, and you should be cautious as not to mess it up. Orderwise, it goes last in the introductory part. Generally, it consists of one to three sentences and proposes a solution to the problem you've chosen. It can also provide a general assessment of the case you're studying. To be short, keep it informative and precise, and that is how to write an introduction for a case study.



The central part of a case study usually consists of at least 3 to 5 paragraphs. It should be filled with details as much as possible.

  1. Background
    Dedicate an entire paragraph to the background data. Tell your audience all the information they might need to understand the dynamic of the subject's work process, and the problem put before them. Prove that you've done your research, and done it well.
  2. Options
    What alternatives does the subject have? Reference some practical examples that show that there is an option that would fix the problem or hinder its development in the first place. State a couple of these alternatives, talk about how they might or might not work.
  3. Solution
    Propose your "cure-all magic spell." Or, simply put, put forth the best solution you think can solve the issue altogether. Once again, provide the reader with the theory, cite books or works that show that what you're proposing is more than applicable and can actually work. Explain why you think it will work. You should find examples and put them into your paper as proof.
  4. Recommendations
    Suggest a strategy to implement your solution. How can the whole process be translated into action? What means are the most effective ones? What mistakes could be avoided? Who should be put on the task? Answer all these questions before writing anything in this section.

Overall, if the introduction is a lobby of your case study, then the main body is a dining hall with hundreds of guests that demand to be fed. And you're feeding them with the information, so be generous. Now, let's proceed to the parking lot!

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A conclusion in a case study is as important as any other part. Here, you need to smoothly wrap things up. Before starting the conclusion, go over your paper one more time to make sure there are no empty gaps, and that you've included everything you wanted. After verifying that everything's in its place, you can start working on the finishing part. Tell the reader why your study is important. Here, summarize all the points you've made in the body. Also, highlight the findings and their importance, using real-life examples and connecting those to the body of your case study.

The Four Case Study Types

It should be noted that there are four major types of case studies. Let's take a brief look at all of them:

  • Illustrative: these primarily describe the problem and focus on possible solutions.
  • Exploratory: these are more on a preliminary side. They require you to study a problem, try to experiment with the solutions and then make a conclusion.
  • Cumulative: here, the author should gather relevant information from similar studies that had already been done before. It allows to save time and gain even more data without wasting time.
  • Critical instance: this one requires a more exploratory approach. Here, you should focus on specific parts of the case with little to no interest to the general picture.

Now, you are fully aware and prepared for the battle with your own case study paper. Don't forget to edit and proofread it accurately after finishing the first draft. And make sure your bibliography is formatted according to your college's style requirements. And finally, remember that the research part is fundamental. Hence, pay particular attention to everything it involves if you want your case study to be informative and conclusive.


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