Find Out How to Craft a Great Problem Solution Essay

  • Apr 02, 2020

Writing a problem solution essay is an integral part of most of the IELTS tests. It checks the applicant's critical analysis and research skills, as well as the awareness of a particular issue. You should also manage your time because the interval of writing the test is limited.

Learn the grading system before typing your answer. Below, you can find a short guide on how to write this type of assignment.

What is a Problem Solution Essay?

Do not hurry to start working on your paper - learn the problem solution essay definition first. It will help to understand its purposes and application.

So, a problem solving essay is a type of academic paper, usually a part of IELTS, where a writer has to discuss the issues with regard to a specific subject and offer some possible solutions with their further implementation. It belongs to the expository type of essays.

In your IELTS, you can often face questions like these. This way, instructors check whether the students are able to find the best solutions to the discipline-related cases.

We discuss how to write a problem solution essay in the next sections.

How to Start a Problem Solution Essay

The first step on the way to a successful academic paper is choosing the right topic to cover.

If you wonder how to select topics for problem solution essay related to your subject, here's a piece of advice from the team of expert writers! Remember, you can always use a problem solution essay template.

  • First, if your teacher does not provide you with a specific question to answer, collect all possible titles of the interesting articles or posts related to the subject you're currently studying.
  • Once you're ready with the list of those titles, brainstorm with your classmates or family. Pick the topics together so that you do not repeat each other.
  • Make sure the topic of your choice has enough relevant information on the internet or in your college library. You should pick only the credible, fresh sources to cite your work.
  • You should also have the basic knowledge about something you plan to discuss. Of course, you can always research it in-depth, but why should you waste your precious time? Do not miss a chance to select the topic you have some expertise to start writing right away.
  • Finally, agree on the topic with your teacher or professor. Never start writing before the approval.

Problem and Solution Essay Topics & Examples

One example of the problem solution essay topics could be "Underage drinking: why do so many students start consuming alcohol so early? The ways to punish those who sell alcoholic beverages to underaged citizens."

The topics for writing an essay in this genre are countless. With the right approach, you can bring up hefty issues, like sexual assault on college campuses, school shootings, police brutality, or suicide. Consider these problem solution essay examples.

Once you are done, decide on the problem solution paper structure.

Problem/Solution Essay Structure

It is critical to develop an outline for not failing your writing process. Even if you're not required to have a separate problem solution essay outline, have it as a draft to follow. Here are the things to include in your problem solution essay.

1. Introduction. Start with a bang! Encourage your audience by involving a shocking fact or related quote. Avoid this part if you do not recognize a hook to start with - just provide some background along with the reasons to discuss the problem. Enclose the opening paragraph with a solid problem solution essay thesis (the central argument of the entire problem-solution essay). It could be something like this: "Taking into account every third child out of four living in the United States suffers from excessive weight, it is important to take some preventive measures to stop the spread of teen obesity."

2. Body. Each paragraph of this section must start with a claim - the central idea that supports the main argument stated in the introductory part. Add evidence disclosed from external sources and share some examples to prove your words.

In this section, you should have both problem paragraphs and solution sections. They should follow each other, with the problem always the first.

3. Conclusion. Restate the major argument of the entire writing first. Reemphasize the significance of the topic and the value of the offered corrections. Then, craft a summary of the claims from the previous paragraphs. Recall personal experience to illustrate the problem and solution.

To let you have an overall idea, we'll share an example of a good opening paragraph with you:

"The United States is suffering from overwork. The main problem is our nation attempts to squeeze more into every day, having less and less to show for it. A lack of time is not just a personal dilemma anymore - it is a fundamental social issue that increased crisis proportions during the past decade."

In this problem solution essay opening example, the last sentence would be your central argument to defend.

Problem Solution Essay Format

Let's dig a bit deeper into the solution essay format. In fact, it's closely related to the structure.

In an essay of this type, a writer should:

  • Begin with the intro to provide an outline background and purposes.
  • Give context to the issue.
  • Describe the problem and its effects.
  • Offer at least two possible ways out of the situation.
  • Evaluate the proposed solutions and choose the most effective one.
  • Share the summary of the main points, as well as predictions.


The format also refers to the specific writing style. However, in your test, you may not be asked to follow particular formatting. If you do, pick MLA or APA style to cite the quotes and sources used in your work.

Remember: it is necessary to cite every source that contributed to your problem essay to avoid plagiarism!


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